Timeouts during nginx xdebug session

Nginx often timesout before I can finish an xdebug session. At a quick glance this looks similar to this issue with VVV, https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV/issues/39. Could this be adjusted?



Hey Timothy,

I’ll check this out.

In the meantime can you try those tweaks in the nginx config file for that site? You can edit it directly from the /conf/nginx directory for that site.

After you edit the config you have to restart the site.

@clay, when stepping through code in XDebug this is a frequent occurrence. I have solved this problem as follows.

— add fastcgi_read_timeout 3600s; after the line fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;

— change the line Timeout 300 to Timeout 3600

This changes the timeouts to an hour. The reference is https://www.fdgweb.com/increase-php-timeout-values-apache-ngnix/

Can we change the above to a feature request for a permanent change to this?

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I can confirm that the nginx fix worked for me as well.