Replace Bloated VirtualBox with hypervisor/hyperkit/xhyve/bhyve

Since the early days when Local was Pressmatic, there’s been just 1 thing that consistently drives me away from it: VirtualBox.

Another way to put it: running one full OS on top of another full OS.

Or: having to pick which app should be closed because 2 operating systems which are running concurrently are vying for available RAM and CPU.

Hypervisor, the Apple framework which provides virtualization without the need for third-party kernel extensions, is currently powering projects such as Moby’s Hyperkit.

Then there’s Google’s Kubernetes Minikube which supports Linux, Mac and Windows.

The list of non-VirtualBox-based tools for local development is expanding quickly, and understandably so.

Should Local consider taking a similar path?

This is an interesting topic to discuss and I think you guys should to look at least in Mac cases when the user has Docker already installed.

I feel the painful feeling about the virtualbox dependency to load boot2docker too, I used to use Docker for Mac and the performance is killing fast on my machine, so if the goal is to use Docker for provisioning containers you guys could check if Docker is already installed, use docker directly and drop the Virtualbox aproach.

I understand that no every user have docker on their machines but, for those developers who already have Docker there is no need to force them to use VB.

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I think there might be some movement towards that goal, in fact, see this reply.

maybe Clay will surprise all of us one of these days with an out-of-the-blue Local 3.0 – and while we’re dreaming, let’s make that 3.0 “pro” :sunglasses:

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+1 on this. Wouldn’t be bad if Local offered the option to install Docker for folks if it wasn’t already installed rather than using VirtualBox. VirtualBox isn’t the end, but Docker would be lighter.

Looking forward to the day when we hopefully won’t see this anymore :sunglasses: