Migrating Site To Flywheel | Step By Step Guide

Hello, can you provide a step by step guide to moving a site from Local to flywheel? I don’t see this listed anywhere in the forums and I can’t be believe that it’s only me who is scratching my head a little!

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Have you seen the 1.4.1 release notes?
They have added support for importing from popular backup/restore plugins:
"Want to bring your site into Local? Flywheel, Duplicator, and BackupBuddy backups are now supported. (In fact, any WordPress .zip file with a wp-content folder and a single .sql file will work.) To create a new local site using your backup, just select “Add Site from Archive” or drag-and-drop the .zip file onto Local."
HTH, Dave

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I’m still baffled by this process. I see a lot of instructions for migrating to other hosts on these forums, but nothing for flywheel. Could someone explain the process in a simple way for people who are new to local?