Angular custom or wordpress plugin

Hello Guys.

I’m interested in building a dynamic for like the one at Actually I’m going to build one that mimics that almost exactly. My plan is to build it from scratch in Angular and bootstrap it to a wordpress site using a Divi theme. Is that a good ide or is it far simpler just using an existing plugin. Witch plugin do you guys suggest if that approach is superior?


If you’re looking to build a theme using Angular 6/7+ using WordPress, take a look at Xo for Angular, a plugin that allows an Angular app to run as a theme within WordPress.

Full disclosure, I am the author of this plugin.

The main features are dynamic routing, WordPress template integration, an enhanced API for retrieving posts, pages, routes, menus, options, and more.

Using Xo you can easily use and integrate with dynamic data in your Angular theme from your WordPress .

Check out the documentation site for more info and guides on getting started.

Thanks for taking a look!

Hi WarriorRocker (Travis)… I’m using your xo plugin together with angular-xo-material theme…
I’m trying to implement the footer section to the theme… I’m getting {xo_footer_sections: null } from API
how should I manage the content for footer, how can I retrieve footer_sections ??
I’m more on Angular Side than PHP/ Wordpress… any help ??


The Xo Material theme requires ACF Pro in order to use certain options. The Footer settings are provided in the WP Admin → Theme Options → Footer. Note that the ACF plugin is only required for the theme and not required by the Xo for Angular plugin itself.

Example below of the setting used on my own site:

Feel free to open issues for either the Xo for Angular plugin or the Xo Material theme on Github.