Add IMAP PHP Extension

Hi Dieter,

Here’s how you can compile IMAP for PHP 7.1.4 on the Custom environment using How do I compile additional PHP extensions? with a few modifications to the steps.

Download and extract the appropriate PECL extension

  1. Download PHP 7.1.4 source here:
  2. Extract PHP 7.1.4 into the site’s app folder so it’s adjacent to public

Install Dependencies

Follow normal steps.

Install Extension Dependencies

Run the following: apt-get install -y libc-client-dev libkrb5-dev

Compile the extension using phpize

Follow steps normally but for step #3, run the following: ./configure --with-php-config=/opt/php/7.1.4/bin/php-config --with-kerberos --with-imap-ssl

After those steps, follow the rest of the guide and change ssh2 to imap accordingly.