Sequel Pro button not responding


in contrast to other topics (timeout on connect, or access denied) I have the issue that the button just does nothing.

It doesn’t open Sequel Pro,
It therefore does not attempt to connect.

I can connect from Sequel Pro using server by Local hostname (not localhost, a.k.a., but the associated domain name), port 5003 (as indicated in the project in Local) user root/root without any problem whatsoever. Just the button from the database tab, it will not do this for me.

I remember it working once, but just once, and never since.

It makes no difference if I restart Local, restart just a container, restart computer, Sequel Pro already running or not.

Thank you for Local! It’s a gem!

I have the same bug ! Have you find any solutions ?

No, not yet, but, I havent had time to test the latest version yet (above is 1.3.0, downloading 1.4.2 as we ‘speak’)

I can confirm version 1.4.2 (mac) has a functional sequel-pro button :slight_smile:

Thank you, Flywheel!!

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On Local 2.0.2, the Sequel Pro button does nothing. There’s nothing in the logs to indicate any errors, and nothing in the UI to indicate that anything is actually happening.

Same with me, unfortunately

This might be happening because the .spf extension isn’t set to be opened with Sequel Pro.

Here’s what you can try:

  1. Click on the “Sequel Pro” button in Local for a site
  2. Open Terminal and enter open /tmp
  3. In the Finder window that pops open, right-click on “Local.spf” then Get Info.
  4. Make sure that Sequel Pro is the application assigned under “Open With”

I reinstalled Sequel Pro, now it works.

I guess it wasn’t found in the right location?!

i already used Sequel Pro before and am cheerful about the button / that simplified connection :slight_smile:

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It’s working again after the latest update to Local (2.0.6). Nothing else changed.


Nothing changed with that button in particular but glad to hear :smiley:

I’m also having this problem but I think it only happens if I change the domain of a site. All sites work except for ones where i’ve done this, at least, as far as I can tell.

Have tried to replace the Sequel Pro app in Applications and checked the Local.spf file as per the above suggestion but both don’t seem to help.

Hi all,

Robert provided instructions on how to reproduce this here: Bug: special characters in sitename breaks MySQL-connection

We’ll make sure this is fixed sooner than later. Sorry this took so long to track down!

Please continue any discussion regarding this in the thread above.