How to get GIT working with Local

Hi there,

How can I get GIT to function with local?

We use Revisr ( to push and pull changes from our GIT repository on Bitbucket.

When activating Revisr is local we get a message that states "Thanks for installing Revisr! Git was not detected on the server. Please enter the install path to Git below and click “Continue”.

I have initiated a GIT Repo from /Users/franwess/Local\ Sites/bitsavvy/app/public but still no change…

Could you possibly assist?

Kind regards
Francois Wessels

For those interested, I got this to work from this tutorial on WPBeaches:

Each site has it’s own contained environment that you can secure shell into. Just right click the site and choose ‘Open Site SSH‘

apt-get update

apt-get install git

git --version


Thanks for sharing that.